Last weekend, we made the trip to San Angelo for one of Johnna's baby showers! I can't believe her due date is almost here. The trip got off to a rough start. I had asked Sandy to ride with Georgia and I because I knew it would be lots of driving all through the weekend and it may help to have a co-pilot. We left out of here around 1:15 p.m. and as we got into Gatesville my tire pressure monitor went off. We were around 8 miles or so from town so I was just hoping we could make it to the Wal-Mart on the edge of town. We did make it luckily and I could hear the air spewing out as I got out of the car. I could even see this huge piece of metal sticking out of the tire. (At this point I'm thinking, ugh, great). So we unloaded Georgia, asked them to fix the tire, and strolled around Wal-Mart for 30 minutes. And of course, when I got back to the tire repair they couldn't fix my tire! Nor did they or anyone within a 45 mile radius have a new one that would work for my car. Needless to say, after two hours of this ordeal, I finally convinced them to patch it so I could make it back to Waco to get a new tire. Finally at 6:30 p.m. we left Waco and headed to San Angelo. We did make it there that night and Georgia was a real trooper!
So..... the next morning we headed to Eldorado for the baby shower. It was really nice and Sutton's aunt Becky had her house looking so cute with all of her fall stuff. Georgia particularly loved it, especially the pumpkin display on the coffee table. The food was wonderful and Johnna got tons of great stuff for miss baby "Q". (I can't wait till she gets here!!!)
Afterwards we went to Johnny Carino's for a late lunch, hit up a local baby store, and then Sandy, Georgia and I went to my parents north of Abilene to visit for the night. The Detten's were there for Jessica's 20th High School Reunion. Georgia went bananas when she saw her cousins. Dad just laughed and shook his head at her. They had never seen her get so excited and wound up at something like this. She just jumped and squealed at them. She laughed at them so much. The girls were a big help Sunday morning entertaining her when I was getting ready for church. It was hilarious. Georgia loves her cousins, but I think she and Avery are gonna be best buds. We went home Sunday night and it felt like a whirlwind weekend of nothing but driving! But we were so glad we could go (and that we even made it there with the tire situation). The cold front had moved through while we were there and the weather made it feel like fall - finally!
Cousin Beverly, Grandma, & Johnna

Our Crew

MorMor, Georgia & Grandma

Sandy & Johnna

Me & Johnna

Johnna & Ashley

Mor Mor & Georgia

Sandy (Nani) & Georgia

Hanging with the cousins