November was pretty busy. Georgia learned how to walk so I spent most of the month trying to keep up with her. She is a busy bee!
Our friends, Jo Ann & Hannah, gave Georgia a pink princess purse. She loves it and hauls it around everywhere. She also loves to hide things and the purse went missing for a while, but I did end up finding in her toy freezer. This isn't the first thing we've lost and found later, and I know it won't be the last. Here she is with her purse.
Sandy found these Christmas tree hair clips. They are a hoot and we just had to clip them in to see what they looked like. Georgia wasn't too happy about it but they sure are funny!
One of her favorite things to do is dig in the tupperware drawer. I do have a few cabinets locked where she can't get into glass, etc. but I do let her dig in the kitchen drawers when I am in there. This is a big help when I am cooking because it keeps her occupied and I can keep an eye on her.
My best friend, Aron, found an adorable brown tutu at a Baby Gap in Iowa. Just had to get it you know so here she is in it just before church a few weeks ago.