It was great to see family while we were in Houston. The Kelley's were there and Mom & Dad came down to watch the kids show. This was their first time to Houston since 1999 when I showed my senior year. I think they were surprised how much the facilities had changed in more than ten years!!
Laurel and Georgia hit it off as usual. They are always big buddies. We were also able to hang out with the Johnson's some and Brooke spent most of Friday afternoon with Laurel, Georgia and I. We took Georgia to the petting zoo and this was quite chaotic but very amusing.

The beginning of March we had our spring cattle sale. This is a busy time so Sandy helped me out by keeping Georgia during the daytime. Of course I would be sad and need a "Georgia Fix" so she would bring her over to visit everyone. Georgia loved to play with the gate at the barn entrance and found a show stick to entertain everyone. (Caution to EVERYONE when she has a show stick - it gets a little wild! HA!) We lucked out and had absolutely gorgeous weather and tons of traffic - thanks to everyone for making it a great success!