May was a pretty laid back month although it went by pretty quick. It started off with a baby shower for my best friend, Aron, (see next post), and then I hosted my sorority for our monthly meeting. Of course it came a pretty bad storm just as everyone arrived. There was a ton of people crammed in my house, but we still had a great time. I was elected as president for the 2010-2011 year which is going to be quite a job! I also became extremely busy in May helping promote the Miss Central Texas Scholarship Pageant (to be held August 17) that our sorority is sponsoring. This is the first year for the pageant and it is opened to three counties, so I was busy in May helping with school visits speaking to high school girls.
Georgia has really gotten into babies and she loves to play and take care of her many babies. One morning at breakfast she insisted that her baby sit and eat with her.

Later in the month, my brother-in-law, Jared, was confirmed in the Catholic Church. He asked me to be his sponsor and of course I was happy to help! There were several high school kids that were confirmed along with two adults, one of which was Jared. It was a very nice mass and they had a lovely lunch afterwards for the confirmands and their families.

Here is Georgia after mass.... she looked so sweet in her green dress. I had to sit with Jared at the front so Georgia sat with her Daddy and the rest of the family. She didn't quite understand why Mommy was seating way up in the front of church but they said she did behave well.

Being the procrastinator I am, we bought a table and chairs for Georgia but I couldn't decide if I wanted to paint it or just stain it. I finally decided to stain it to match her room furniture (even though it is in my dining room right now). It was missing from the house for a few weeks and when Georgia woke up from her nap and saw that her table had returned she was just beside herself!

Jacob and I traveled up to Oklahoma to look at some cattle and Georgia made the road trip with us. It was quite an experience as we were a day later getting home than we had originally planned, we drove a ton of miles, and Georgia rode in her car seat a ton - Plus we had major problems with trailer tires but all in all it was a nice trip where we were able to spend some family time together! Georgia was pretty bored and in the video below you will see what she liked doing..... I kept telling her to stop but she has a hard time minding!!!!