I have had so many people ask and I failed to mention on the orginal post on how we came about Georgia's name.
My grandmother (my mother's mother) is named Georgia. I have always liked this name because you don't hear it much anymore and it is a name I have always thought was really pretty. Any time I mentioned that this name was a possibility, most people always thought it was a sweet name (other than my doctor!!). It is an older name and that was something I liked about it. Also, anyone I told this name to who had known a Georgia had said that the Georgia they had known was such a strong woman and very special! Plus, the one Georgia that I've known my entire life, my grandmother, is such a special person to me and so this seemed very fitting that our baby girl should be named Georgia (once I persuaded my husband for nine months). My grandmother had no idea that we were considering her name and she broke down in tears when I told her. It was a moment on the phone that I will never forget and it just reinforced to me that Georgia was the perfect name for our daughter.
And since we used a family name from my side, we thought that we should use a name from Jacob's family for the middle name. This was very challenging because there were two or three middle names we really liked, but we decided to go with Jacob's grandmother, Pauline, which was Jacob's dad's mother. She was a very special person to Jacob and passed away when Jacob was younger. We wish she could be here today to meet our precious Georgia.
For the entire pregnancy people would always ask what we were naming the baby. And of course we hadn't decided so I had to tell them. It seems like it is pretty popular now to tell everyone the name. I would have liked to have the name picked out prior, but there was something neat about deciding once we saw her. It was a special moment for Jacob and I to meet our baby girl and decide together what the best name would be for her. Now I can't imagine her being named anything else.
So that's how Georgia Pauline became Georgia Pauline!!!
13 years ago
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