It has been pretty hectic lately and I haven't gotten a good chance to sit down and blog! I spent about a week looking for my camera and finally found it in one of the bags from our most recent stock show trip. I was worried I lost it and was relieved to happen upon it yesterday.
We are busy busy as we have been getting things together for our cattle sale this weekend. Jacob has been out of the house by 6 every morning and he usually doesn't make it in for the night until 10:30 or so. It has been hard on us all because me and Georgia both miss him and I know he is missing spending time with her. However, today is the last day for the sale and we start bidding calves off tonight over the phone so after tomorrow afternoon life should resume a little bit of normalacy. We leave Tuesday for Houston and this is the last trip of several days we should have to take for a while. Thank goodness - I am ready for a break!
MorMor and Pop (my parents) came down last night to help out and spend a little time with us. It has been very interesting because the moment Georgia saw Pop she started screaming at the top of her lungs. This continued every time she saw him and every time he spoke to her until she went to sleep last night. Then this morning she thought about screaming when she first saw him but I hope I have put a stop to this. From that point on I had him feed her cereal, give her a bottle and hold her for quite some time. She is finally warming up and giving him some smiles.
As for Georgia, she is almost six months old which is SO hard to believe. She can roll over to her tummy now and push up on her arms. However, she cannot get back over to her back from her tummy so she screams and cries until I come to assist her back over. This lasts for a few seconds before she is back onto her tummy. She began getting two teeth last Monday and they are coming in slowly but surely. I think she is having quite a time with these pearly whites and so everything needs to be chewed on. Also, she has decided that after I put her to sleep on her back that she should roll over to her tummy and sleep. This has been very concerning to me because I have to check her all the time to make sure she is still breathing. I even roll her back over to her back as she is sleeping and then five minutes later when I check she is back on her tummy. Ugh! I guess there's not much I can do but check on her often and let her be comfortable. I still put her on her back like I am supposed to so I guess this is all I can do.
Another Georgia thing... when her pacifier falls out she can reach for it and put it back into her mouth. Sometimes it gets put in backwards and I have to help her get it situated. It is pretty funny. She also can laugh and giggle, jump up and down in her jumper toy and stand up strong on her legs when I help her.
I will try to post some pictures next week - now that I have my camera!
13 years ago
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