The month of December just flew by for us. Luckily I was able to get the house decorated before we left for Vegas so once we got home it was time to get Christmas shopping finished. It was a busy month and we had lots of activities and things to do. Georgia did great with the tree. There were a few ornaments she particularly liked and I would let her look at it and if she took it off we went together to put it back on the tree. Some days were better than others but she loved to stare at the tree. It was funny to watch her with everything.
I spent one day baking with Jacob's mom, Sandy. I had wanted to help her make fig cookies for years and finally this year we planned ahead where I could help out and we could do it together. We made fig cookies together and then another day I made chocolate and vanilla coated pretzels, peppermint patties, peppermint bark, and raspberry thumbprint cookies.
We also went to celebrate our friends' daughter's graduation from Texas A&M. Kenny & Julie Herzog's daughter graduated and they invited us down to a party. We were late (as usual) but it was great to see all of them and for them to see Georgia (most of which haven't seen her seen she was a small baby).
Also in December we hired Tiffany Sizemore, a student at Texas A&M, to help us in the office at the show barn. This required me to train her for a couple of days before Christmas where she could learn the ropes and meet everyone. She has been a tremendous help and is great with Georgia when we are all together. She has a great personality and everyone here loves her - this combined with the fact that she is doing a great job makes it where we are glad to have her here. She has been working almost every day during the week and when school starts back she'll work a few days a week. This is a big help keeping us caught up on thank you notes, feed schedules, and appointments which is something me, Jacob and Jared have been doing, but not doing all that great.
Here are some snapshots from the month prior to all of our family gatherings...

Graduation party at the Herzogs... Georgia wanted to get into EVERYTHING!