Jacob has promised me for years that he would take me to see Christmas lights. It has never worked out for us to go and this year he told me that he wanted to set aside an evening for just the three of us to go look at lights. Last year Georgia was so little at the time we didn't take her to meet Santa or go see lights. So we loaded up on a Monday afternoon and took a trip down south of College Station to Santa's Town. Georgia loved the lights and got to go to the petting zoo, walk through fake snow, sit at a campfire, walk around the shops and even got to meet Santa. She was the only child there to see him and it worked out perfectly where we didn't have to even wait in line. She wasn't quite sure what to think of him at first and she was frowning for the first few pictures until the photographer grabbed a toy and hit Jacob on the head and that made Georgia want to smile. Perfect timing because here is her picture with Santa:

It was such a fun and pleasant evening that we plan to make this our tradition during the holidays... as long as we avoid the weekends (the line to get in can go for miles and miles on those nights!).
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