January 2011 is definitely a month I will always remember. For starters, I spent the last week of December and first week of January with the flu and that was followed by a horrible cold. For two weeks I was literally laid out on the couch. This combined with the fact that morning sickness was starting to kick in (especially with my sinus congestion) meant for me to feel absolutely miserable. We had our first doctor's appointment and everything looked great (that night is when I came down with the flu!). We were so excited to finally get to tell the rest of our family and our friends our exciting news. Mid-January I had been asked to judge showmanship at a county show near my parents. Georgia and I spent several days out there so we did get to spent some quality time with my parents. Johnna & Quincy came to visit and the girls had a great time!

The morning I was supposed to judge I hit a deer halfway to the show and did about $8000 damage on my car. Luckily I was able to get a rental car that weekend and little did I know how long it would be until I got my car back. West Texas got horrible weather which caused for road closures meaning my lovely car parts would have delays arriving. I finally got my car back in mid-February and boy was I glad to see it!!!! I missed it dearly. We spent the end of January getting cattle ready for Fort Worth (which also had absolutely horrible weather) and the first of February going to San Antonio. The month flew by and we had our annual spring cattle sale the first weekend of March just before Houston. Between the shows and selling calves, we've been swamped but we thank God that we are busy and thank him for the many blessings he has given us!
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