Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tag you're it!

My sister, Jessica, tagged me by inviting me to share a picture. The instructions I had to follow are:

1. Go to your photo folders and open the 4th folder.

2. Choose the 4th photo.

3. Explain the photo.

4. Tag 4 other people!
Here's my photo:

This picture was from summer vacation in the summer of 2006. It is of my neice, Laurel, taking a nap after a long day of swimming. This particular summer vacation was the first time we went to Lake Kingsland and stayed in the log cabin, "Cabin Fever" for three days. Every summer we all get together one weekend as a family. We have been to South Padre Island three times and Lake Kingsland twice. We always have lots of fun and the kids really have a blast.
Now I'll tag Kacee, Lisa, and Amy!

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