We spent a couple of hours up at the annual Tri-Area Stock Show in Stamford. This reminded me of the good old days when we would freeze our buns off getting our steers washed and cleaned up at 4 a.m. to have them ready for the show that morning. We always liked showing there though because we usually could rack in some pretty good prizes and cash! The numbers of cattle have really dropped off though - this year they only had 4 steers. Back in my day, there were some pretty good numbers thanks to the Oman girls.
We did get to visit with several community folks we hadn't seen in a while and others who hadn't met Georgia yet. She was wide awake for the entire time and just smiled and looked at everyone talking to her. It was time to go at the end though because she had worn herself out and really needed her mid-morning nap!
Grandma and Papaw came to visit us both days we were there. Here's a shot of her with Papaw.
Sunday we went to church. Georgia slept the entire time and it drove Craig Gilbert crazy because he wanted her to be awake. They sat behind us and he wanted to wake her up so bad. For lunch Mom made an awesome pot roast. Yum Yum. Plus Grandma brought mashed potatoes (my ultimate favorite!). Then no day would be complete without a few rounds of domino games with Grandma and Papaw. Georgia was all dressed up for church (the pics at the top are from her dressed up).
On our way home Monday we had to drive in the freezing rain. Jacob's truck was covered in ice. It took us forever to get back, but thank goodness we made it safely.
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