We spent Easter weekend in Hereford with my side of the family. Georgia and I flew up there since Jacob had been gone looking at cattle all week and just met us in Hereford so we could drive back together. She had an awesome experience for her first flight. A little crying when we were descending into Amarillo but it was just the pressure bothering her ears. I gave her a sippy cup and she made it just fine. We stayed with my sister, Judith, and her family. The twins have grown so much and are just so much fun to be around. They are getting into everything and are quite comical. Georgia really enjoyed playing with them, as well as her other cousins, the Detten kids.
Here's Georgia when we first arrived at the Grotegut's. The boys were pretty excited to see us.
Saturday we surprised my sister, Jessica, with a surprise baby shower. (Which worked out great since she had the baby today - see news below!) We attended church in Umbarger on Sunday. It rained alot on Saturday afternoon so the roads in the country were MUDDY! That's to say the least. Somehow we made it out of the mud and to church in time. Georgia was really good during church. She took her bottle at the beginning of church and went right to sleep. Quite a load to hold though, I had to give her to Jacob later because I couldn't hold her anymore!
MorMor and Pop
Judith insisted we give them some eggs to play with when we got home.
Johan gave her a hug and a kiss!
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