I can't believe how time is flying by! Almost Easter now. Things around home are so pretty and green finally. Spring has definitely arrived. Georgia is growing like a weed. She is so long and is really going through her clothes now! She is really acquiring quite a personality. She is funny about particular men... my dad (Pop), Jacob's grandfather, Jack, and our friend Ashley Yezak (Jacob's high school buddy that we see at church). She has screamed at Jack on several occasions. There is just something that she isn't sure about. She also isn't too fond of Ashley - she cried twice during church last Sunday when he looked at her during the mass. I have asked lots of people and many have told me that some babies have a few people they just are unsure about for a while. It is pretty amusing at times, but more than anything I feel bad for the ones she cries at. She will outgrow this I know, but it's pretty funny for the time being.
Tonight Georgia spent some time watching her Baby Einstein DVD. She likes to watch this every so often - I try not to do this every day so she doesn't get too tired of it.

This was the first smiling picture I have ever gotten of Georgia. I didn't even plan it or try to make her smile. I decided to get the camera because she was leaned back with her arms all stretched out, just as content as could be. When I snapped the picture she got all excited and it worked out perfectly that she smiled just in time. Such a classic photo. She loves to jump in her Rainforest Jumperoo. My sister, Judith, has loaned us the horse jumperoo, and she loves it too!

Two weeks ago, Georgia got to wear her Bunny dress to church. When we got home, I just had to get some pictures. She really enjoys sitting up now and can do this pretty well. I do stay close by just in case because she still falls over occasionally.

We are headed to Hereford for Easter with several of my sisters and my parents so I know I'll have lots of pictures from the weekend. Hope all of you have a safe and happy Easter!!
She is so cute!!! Rachael was weird about some men. Avery on the other hand, PREFERS men (kinda scary!)...and is weird about some elderly women STILL! Can't wait to see y'all at Easter!
AWWWW she is precious! I love her sweet pink Easter bunny outfit...and of course I am in LOVE with her big eyes. We miss you!
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