Miss Georgia is getting two new teeth (which makes a total of 6 now). She is really getting her personality and laughing alot. Smiling more for the camera and playing all the time. Yesterday morning when I was getting ready for the day she proceeded on scooting over to the toy basket and making her first big mess. Sneaky sneaky. I can't imagine when she starts doing some serious crawling.

One thing is certain, Miss Georgia has some curls! They really come out when I let her hair dry by itself after bathtime. I used to comb it out straight, but now it's pretty much impossible for the hair to stay straight. Here she is after bathtime this week!

My best friend, Aron, was back in Texas for a few days from Iowa. Georgia and I visited her this past weekend. It was great catching up and I wish she didn't live so far away!
.Aron's neice, Olivia, was also there visiting.
She had "hanna-tanna" sunglasses and helped her nanna pick onions in the garden.

Georgia showing off...

Aron's dog, Ranger, wanted to lick all over Georgia.
He also got very jealous when we did not pay attention to him.

Olivia, Aron, and Georgia at lunchtime

We spent the afternoon in the pool. Georgia's first time to swim! We had quite a selection of swim suits to pick from. This one was a bit big on top so we had to adjust it all afternoon.

She loved the water and splashed and splashed!

Aron getting Georgia all warmed up.
Georgia was so worn out and needed her nap soon after swimming!
She slept all the way home.
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