Well I am blogging as we drive down Hwy 36 on our way home. What a weekend! Things have been hectic since we finished up our camps last week and then traveled to the Texas Panhandle this weekend. Jacob and I were asked by my sister, Jessica and her husband Dennis to serve as Godparents for our new nephew, Sam. This is such an honor and a responsibility we are so proud to have. We headed west on Thursday to deliver a few last minute calves for state tag-in and spent the first night at my parents. Johnna was working in that part of her territory so she met up with us and spent the night there with us. My parents weren't there though because they had traveled to the DFW area for a quick get-away. We treated ourselves to shrimp at the Beehive in Albany (awesome awesome food!!). Friday was spent visiting family and running several errands in the area. Then Saturday we headed to Hereford and Sam's baptism was this morning. Sam was a little angel during the mass. He didn't make a peep the entire time. Read Jessica's blog to see pictures and to read about the day.
As for Georgia... she wants to crawl so bad! She can go from sitting up to her tummy and she scoots around on her bottom and can push herself backwards. She does get around the room somehow and often I find her under the coffee table or dumping over her toy basket or even trying to pull the magazines out of the magazine rack. Life is becoming quite interesting around our house. She has a mouthful of teeth (just got #8 on Saturday) and likes to crunch on her little snacks. Her hair looks like it grows longer every day! It is really getting curly and she likes to grab the back and pull at it. We have already had two earring mishaps. The first was on a pair of ruby and diamond flower earrings (from Miss Gemma of course) where we lost the back and luckily I found it the next morning. Then Thursday while traveling she lost a diamond earring and I found it and the back in her car seat (thank goodness! also from Miss Gemma). I think I hadn't gotten the backs on correctly so I have made sure they are both on correctly and securely. I am going to have to check them more often and I'm learning my lesson on earrings. She definitely loves jewelry, that is for sure. We took Georgia's 9 month pictures this past week and I cannot wait to see the proofs. I did get to glance at a few of them and they were adorable. Finally we got some smiles and her little personality was really coming out during the session. It was quite comical.
As for our June activities...Earlier this month Jacob's aunt and uncle came in for the weekend to visit. They brought along their son, Colton, who studies school in New York City. We also were able to visit with their daughter, Amy, who also came to visit for the day. Her son, Sam, and Georgia are only a month or so apart. They got to play together and Georgia thought Sam was pretty funny stuff. Sam can crawl and pull up and is almost walking on his own (Georgia isn't even crawling yet!), so she eyed his every move. Here are a few shots from the visit...
Georgia is asking Sam how he learned how to crawl and pull up (uh oh!)
Cousins just hangin out
My mom got to spend a couple of nights with us when dad had to work on continuing education hours for his veterinary license in College Station at the beginning of June. We hung out at the house, did some shopping, and went to church on Sunday. Here are some shots from the weekend...
I did get Georgia's baby pool out and the first swimming attempt was a no-go. She was terrified! So the next attempt was successful because I got in with her. Believe me, don't try this. Baby pools are not meant for adults. But I had to do it to make her happy and then when she figured out she was ok and it was fun, she didn't need me in there anymore! Here are a few pictures of our swimming experience:
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