We had a white Christmas in West Texas at Pop & MorMor's house. It was absolutely breathtaking (and very cold). We got there the night of the 23rd and spent time with my parents and my sister, Johnna, her husband Sutton and their precious newborn baby girl, Quincy. This was our first time to meet Quincy so we were so excited. Georgia didn't know what to think about her - she laughed alot and I reminded her that this baby was REAL, not for pretend like her play babies. Here's our first look at Quincy... isn't she just precious? She is a sweet sweet baby and we love her so much!

The next day, Christmas Eve, we woke up to snow already on the ground. It kept falling and falling and by lunchtime it was really starting to accumulate. It was crazy to see it just snowing away. Unfortunately, this made it difficult on our other three sisters to make it to my parents easily. They all made it safe and sound, but not without alot of stress, extra time on the road and countless phone calls from all of us!

Georgia got to spend lots of time following MorMor around and digging in everything. This made for an interesting stay but MorMor can be pretty patient thank goodness! Georgia loves her MorMor.

Baby Quincy on Christmas Eve...

Isn't this beautiful... Christmas Eve afternoon the weather cleared up, the sun came out, the temperature was COLD but it was absolutely gorgeous!

Jacob went and picked up Grandma & Papaw since the roads were so bad. They had a few bits of drama, but they made it out there safely thank goodness!

Georgia was so excited with the Grotegut family got there. They were the next ones to arrive and they all got the toys out right away.

Here's Baby Quincy again... aren't those shoes too darn cute!

Judith had the twins' booster seats out and Georgia loved to sit on them and move them around. Here she is with her buddy Avery.

Christmas Day morning... Georgia with her Pop and cousin Laurel

John Thomas and Georgia goofing around. He is so sweet to Georgia - it is fun to watch them together.

Santa came to visit and left all the grandkids something in their stockings!

Judith & Quincy

Jessica & Sam checking out the stocking

The Oman Grandkids - Just the Girls... (I didn't get to take the boys picture because as you can see Georgia wasn't wanting to cooperate!)

I made Jacob skid to a stop on the ice so we could get this one... isn't this just awesome!?! The church I grew up attending church at, the church my parents were married in and that Jacob and I were married in... love love this picture!

Georgia was wiped out. Here she is on the way home - the first few miles on the road. You can see the snow in the background - her first snow!
Great pictures, Ingrid! The picture of the church is awesome! Looks professional!
Funny, I tried to take the same picture of the church, but Sutton would not stop so I had to take it while the pickup was moving so mine is off center! Love all of the pics! Miss ya'll!
WOW I bet you all have so much fun together. The pictures of teh church is soooo pretty.
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