Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tag you're it!

My sister, Jessica, tagged me by inviting me to share a picture. The instructions I had to follow are:

1. Go to your photo folders and open the 4th folder.

2. Choose the 4th photo.

3. Explain the photo.

4. Tag 4 other people!
Here's my photo:

This picture was from summer vacation in the summer of 2006. It is of my neice, Laurel, taking a nap after a long day of swimming. This particular summer vacation was the first time we went to Lake Kingsland and stayed in the log cabin, "Cabin Fever" for three days. Every summer we all get together one weekend as a family. We have been to South Padre Island three times and Lake Kingsland twice. We always have lots of fun and the kids really have a blast.
Now I'll tag Kacee, Lisa, and Amy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas is Long Gone

After procrastinating for quite some time, I FINALLY took down all of our Christmas decorations yesterday. Georgia was quite patient and I think she was worn out of all the entertainment and playing we did as I tried to keep her busy and distracted. She feel asleep on her pillow and I found her holding her pacifer in one hand and her shirt in the other hand. I took several pictures and she never even knew!
I was so sad to take down the decorations and it made me think about Christmas 2009. I doubt I'll have as much out because I'm sure Georgia will be moving and curious as can be! My house seems empty and sad now so I better get to re-decorating!

Going to Gemma & Pete's!

We are going to Gemma and Pete's for a couple of nights to attend the annual Dimmitt County Livestock Show. This will be the longest trip Georgia has taken - I think it is about a five and a half hour drive. Hopefully she will take it well.

I will post pics when we return! We can't wait for them to all see how much she has grown!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Trip to MorMor & Pop's

Jacob was gone last weekend traveling up north to look at cattle. A good friend of our's, Jeremy Clark, rode with me to Stamford to clip cattle for us while I visited my parents and grandparents. Georgia slept the entire way to Stamford - I couldn't believe it! However, she was pretty hungry when we got there and drank a record 7.5 ounces in her bottle! Wow!

We spent a couple of hours up at the annual Tri-Area Stock Show in Stamford. This reminded me of the good old days when we would freeze our buns off getting our steers washed and cleaned up at 4 a.m. to have them ready for the show that morning. We always liked showing there though because we usually could rack in some pretty good prizes and cash! The numbers of cattle have really dropped off though - this year they only had 4 steers. Back in my day, there were some pretty good numbers thanks to the Oman girls.
We did get to visit with several community folks we hadn't seen in a while and others who hadn't met Georgia yet. She was wide awake for the entire time and just smiled and looked at everyone talking to her. It was time to go at the end though because she had worn herself out and really needed her mid-morning nap!

Grandma and Papaw came to visit us both days we were there. Here's a shot of her with Papaw.

Sunday we went to church. Georgia slept the entire time and it drove Craig Gilbert crazy because he wanted her to be awake. They sat behind us and he wanted to wake her up so bad. For lunch Mom made an awesome pot roast. Yum Yum. Plus Grandma brought mashed potatoes (my ultimate favorite!). Then no day would be complete without a few rounds of domino games with Grandma and Papaw. Georgia was all dressed up for church (the pics at the top are from her dressed up).

On our way home Monday we had to drive in the freezing rain. Jacob's truck was covered in ice. It took us forever to get back, but thank goodness we made it safely.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Day 2009

Jacob and I spent New Year's Day at home ALL DAY! This should go down in history, because usually Jacob will go over to the barn for at least a part of the day when we don't have much going on. Plus, I'm usually trying to do silly housework and things that drive Jacob crazy. So we both decided to be lazy, turn off our cell phones (his rings NONSTOP) and just enjoy the day. However, we had been really busy during and just after the holidays and he was going to have to be gone alot the first part of the month, so he wanted to spend time with just us girls! January starts a busy time with our business because all of the county fairs and Ft. Worth take alot of time for us to get cattle clipped and ready to show. It was so cute - he held Georgia mostly all day. They were quite the pair and I got some cute pictures of them together.

2008 was a year that we will never forget...The cattle we sold did very well at the spring majors. In February we found out we were having a baby. Then, we lost a close friend, Charlie Wilson, in April. This summer we took a trip to Mexico with my sister, Johnna, and her husband Sutton (happy now, Johnna - ha!) We painted the interior of our house (adios paneling!!!) I had quite a scare being pregnant and falling down the backporch steps in June - quite a nice & expensive visit to the ER. Lost my grandmother, "Nanny", Mary Swenson. Baby Georgia arrived in September. We sold calves that won Grand and Reserve Grand Steers at State Fair, Grand at Iowa State Fair, and won numerous county fairs in the fall. Plus, Jacob's brother, Jared, decided to come back and help us out beginning in October.

It was a hard year, but also a year that brought Jacob and I the greatest blessing of all, baby Georgia.

Aron Meets Georgia!

My best friend, Aron, finally got to meet Georgia when she was in Texas to visit her family during the Christmas holidays. Being that she lives all the way in Iowa, she only gets to visit a few times a year. She came to see Georgia and I and we really enjoyed our visit.

We were so happy that Aron came to meet Georgia. It was one of my highlights of the Christmas holidays. I miss and love you Aron! I'm thinking about you during this yucky cold winter weather!

Christmas 2008

We had a wonderful Christmas - especially since Georgia was the best gift ever we could ever ask for! We traveled to my parents for a few days to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day morning with my family and then came back for Christmas Day with Jacob's family. We also spent New Year's Eve celebrating Christmas with Jacob's extended family.

Georgia traveled really well on her way to and from West Texas. She especially enjoyed hanging out with MorMor and Pop, Grandma and Papaw, and her aunts, uncles and many cousins. I have a few pictures of this family Christmas, but my sister, Johnna, took some really good ones with her awesome new camera. Go to Johnna's blog to see more pictures!

Here are the girl cousins in my family:
Rachael, Avery, Laurel, Emily June, Georgia

Georgia slept through all THREE Christmas present openings. She missed them all but I guess she's getting geared up for next year so she can really take it all in for Christmas 2009. Grandma (Georgia) held Georgia during the Oman Family Christmas gift exchange.

When we got back home on Christmas Day, we spent the evening with Jacob's brother, Jared, and his parents and grandparents. Poor Georgia was so cranky from the whirlwind trip we had just made, so once we got her calmed down she was out for the rest of the evening!

Uncle Jared and Popi

This year it felt like Christmas kept going and going. We spent New Year's Eve with Jacob's - aunts, uncles, and cousins and celebrated our Christmas then. Jacob's cousin, Amy, had her little boy Sam there. He is just growing and changing every time we see him. He is adorable and really is a funny little guy. He can roll across the room and just babbles up a storm. He and Georgia got to hang out on the couch for a while. Once he figured out Georgia was there he was ready to play! Poor Georgia didn't know what to think about Sam. She looked at him like he was crazy. The entire family was laughing so hard as we all snapped away with our cameras.

I hope all of you had a safe and wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!