Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hello Blogger Land!

I'm back... I've been out of blogger world for a few weeks. It has been crazy the past month. January is always crazy for us because we are getting prepared for the Fort Worth Stock Show. It is very hectic because we always have a large number of steers to get clipped and of course a ton of guys here helping to get everything done.

Here's an update on the past month...

We had Jeremy from Arkansas, Brelan from Georgia, Ryan from Illinois, as well as Casey and Tyler from Iowa here to help us for the past two weeks. Between shuttling them to and from the airport to cooking at least two meals a day all while taking care of Georiga, I just about pulled my hair out. I have to give a big thank you to my mother-in-law who helped keep Georgia on numberous occasions and took care of the guys for the weekend I went to my parents to judge the Shackelford County Show.

Let's just say I have lost a little motivation in the kitchen. I cooked for an average of 9 people per meal. I even had a menu planned so I could eliminate too many grocery shopping trips! I was pretty proud of myself on how everything worked out. I was so glad when we finally all went to Fort Worth because it meant we could eat dinner out (except that it was expensive to feed everyone!).

As for Georgia... she has really changed in the past couple of weeks. Lots of jibber jabber. Today she rolled over. She is really drolling so I am thinking a tooth is on the horizon. She is really developing a personality and is a happy baby with the exception of hunger. She went with me to Fort Worth and loved smiling at people and riding in the stroller. She did let everyone know she was watching the show a few times and how hungry she was. It was great to see lots of friends who hadn't met Georgia yet.

Unfortunately, while at Fort Worth, Jacob came down with the lovely FLU. Ugh. All I can say is mark my word, I will from now on take a flu shot every year. I will also have to make him too. I have been using a massive amount of Lysol and washing my hands nonstop since he became ill. He has been in confinement in our bedroom/bathroom. I know it kills him to be away from Georgia but we really don't want to get sick so we just stay away. He is better tonight and he doesn't have fever anymore, just a nasty cough.

I have lots of pictures to post from the past few weeks so bear with me as I get them up. I plan to be a better blogger from now on and I'm sorry it took me so long to give you guys an update!

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